Chemical Name: Gibberellin; Gibberellic acid
2,4a,7-Trihydroxy-1-methyl-8-methylenegibb-3-ene-1,10-dicarboxylic acid1,4a-lactone2,4a,7-Trihydroxy-1-methyl-8-methylenegibb-3-ene-1,10-dicarboxylic acid 1,4a-lactone
Molecular formula: C19H22O6
Molecular weight: 346.37
CAS No.: 77-06-5
Gibberellins (GA3) belongs to a natural plant hormone.
1. It can stimulate plant stem elongation by stimulating cell division
and elongation.
2. And it can break seed dormancy, promote germination, and increase
fruit setting rate, or cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit
by stimulating stems of a plant higher and leaves bigger.
3. Then, it has been proved from production practice for many years
that the application of gibberellins has signification effect in raising
the yield of rice, wheat, corn, vegetable, fruit, etc.